My site is green

Take decisive and daily action on behalf of the environment
with IKOULA, a web host since 1998.

IKOULA, a specialist in web servers, applies its ideological choices by saving energy resources thanks to innovative web hosting offers as well as to new developments and procedures. IKOULA has been able to choose to reduce its carbon footprint thanks to a low-consumption infrastructure of dedicated and virtual servers. The dedicated servers are hosted in France in a latest-generation Data Centre in tune with the environment.

My site is greenIkoula’s responsible commitment

Ikoula’s job is that of hosting servers in a Data Centre, a building connected to electrical networks and secure and redundant Internet networks. A Data Centre integrates specific infrastructures: air conditioning, hygrometry, etc., in order to respect the optimal environmental conditions of the servers in terms of temperature, humidity, and security. The running of a Data Centre naturally leads to high energy consumption.

The energy used by a website varies greatly. A site may be hosted across several servers and a similar server may host several sites; this depends, for example, on the number of videos, photos, the number of visitors, and potential streaming or download features, etc.

Hosting & environmentReducing our energy consumption at the heart of our Data Centres
You can compare the consumption rates yourself:
  • 0.530 kwh/j

    Consumption of a dedicated traditional server

  • 0.048 kwh/j

    Power consumption of a VPS*

  • 100%

    Electricity from clean energy sources**

Let’s act and commit together!

*One virtual server consumes, on average, 0.01A, that is 0.01A x 200 = 2 Wh x 24 = 48 Wh/day/1000 = 0.048 kWh/day.
**Since 1 November 2015, IKOULA has been using electricity from 100% renewable energy sources for its Data Centres.

Our commitmentsIKOULA, web host, is committed at all levels of its activity

  • Low electrical consumption

    We favour server components with low electrical consumption, without any additional costs for our clients.

  • Waste recycling

    We recycle the IT waste from our servers and have integrated Directive 2002/95/EC, known as RoHS, as regards the treatment of electrical and electronic equipment in our procedures.

  • Renewable energy

    IKOULA uses electricity from 100% renewable energy sources for its Data Centres.

  • Sustainable development

    IKOULA is renovating its Data Centre and rethinking its infrastructure with sustainable development solutions. Among other things, we are planning to integrate natural thermal exchange, which will reduce requirements as regards air conditioning and, therefore, electrical consumption.

  • Reduction of CO2 emissions

    Launch of innovative hosting solutions, significantly reducing CO2 emissions!

Their site is green!Our clients are committing with IKOULA

IKOULA wanted to recognise commitments to the environment and the numerous green initiatives in which we believe. We know that every action is important and that, by acting daily, the impact is multiplied. By speaking about the ideas, innovations, and personal commitments that interest us, we hope to contribute to their development and encourage everyone to do what they can.



Discover BatiFac, your new quoting and invoicing tool, aimed at tradespeople, independents, supervised individual activity, and sole proprietorships. Manage your clients, your payments, and all of your sales documents, no matter where you are, needing only an Internet connection. Quickly send documents without any set-up to your clients via email. You will also benefit from free updates.


Gigantic wooden-designed objects to fill the world of children, made within the context of a sustainable development process. Here you will find a highly original bedside table, a modular bookcase, an ingenious toy box, and other objects to help build your children’s world.

Arbre à bulles

Beautiful, original, ethical, and stylish gifts: a selection of decorative items, fashion accessories, gift boxes, and table art, made by environmentally-friendly and fair-minded creators and designers to ensure responsible consumption.

PC astuces

Established over 10 years ago, today PC Astuces consists of 7 servers hosted at Ikoula’s premises. But PC Astuces is also committed to helping the environment, upstream, within the architecture of its website, by opting for a programming language that consumes fewer IT and electrical resources.

Help & FAQsThe most frequently asked questions

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Does storage really pollute?
Data storage is not, in fact, the main source of pollution, since applications or data which are not used, such as email addresses or old, disused services, only require a little space and energy. By contrast, all active applications cause considerably more pollution: every action, such as sending a message, uploading a photo, or visiting a webpage, has an impact on the environment.

There are two types of pollutant at the heart of the Data Centre: energy-consuming servers and intensive air conditioning to regulate the temperature. The owners can reduce their environmental impact by taking on new equipment, but if the approach is taken in haste, under governmental pressure or that of public opinion, it will have the inverse effect.

In fact, if all the servers are replaced over a short period, the carbon footprint, linked to the destruction and recycling of the hardware and metals used in servers and air conditioning systems, will be very high. Added to this is the footprint linked to the creation and transit of the new equipment. Instead of exploding the demand for, and therefore the offer of new, more efficient servers, we need to increase the life cycle of the existing servers to reduce demand, thus creating an environmentally-friendly circle.
What is IKOULA doing to limit its impact on the environment?
Recycling its servers, choosing its energy source, selecting highly efficient equipment. Several actions can be carried out to progressively improve the environmental impact of the data centres:
  • Recycle the servers: to reduce the environmental impact of a Data Centre the first step is to multiply the life cycles of the servers in order to avoid, as much as possible, the pollution linked to their destruction and the purchase of new hardware. Instead of disposing of a server at the end of three years, it is possible to give it a second and even a third life cycle by giving it a less strenuous role. The servers are thus replaced, not every 3 years, but around every 7 years instead.
  • When replacing hardware, choose low-consumption technology: although you should not replace your equipment before the end of its life cycle, it is nevertheless important to analyse the market to stay up to date on the latest innovations and to know which piece of equipment to turn to as a replacement. You must opt for free-cooling technology which require, for cooling, the least number of motors possible, and high efficiency equipment, facilitating a minimal loss of heat and energy.
  • Choose a good energy source: from 1 January 2016, the Data Centres will benefit from an industrial regulation which enforces a change in pricing and the adoption of an open tariff. It is therefore important to choose a “green” energy supplier and to use 100% renewable sources.
Green IT is therefore a commitment to undertake in the long term, and not a decision to put in place in as short a time as possible. If governmental standards were impose the adoption of “green” equipment in the short term, the consequences on the environment would be harmful. This commitment, applicable to every company that manages data centres, must focus every daily decision in order to offer high-performing services, all while ensuring that the impact of the IT on the environment is minimised.